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David Bogorad, viola

David Bogorad, viola

Danish-American violinist and violist David Bogorad earned his Bachelors degree at Oberlin Conservatory with Professor Milan Vitek, baroque violin with Professor Marylin McDonald and viola lessons with Professor Karen Ritscher. He also received a Diploma in Viola with highest honours from the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki.

He made his debut with the Danish National Radio Symphony and has since then appeared as a soloist on both violin and viola with various orchestras in Greece, France, Denmark and the US. As a chamber musician he has collaborated with artists and ensembles such as: Avi Avital, Kyoko Hashimoto, Ramon Jaffe, Mo Yi, Gert von Bülow,The Prima Trio, Trio Quintillian and the New Hellenic Quartet.

He currently holds the position of Assistant Principal of the 2nd violins in Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra.
